...was the end of all we came to accept as reality.
Time flows backwards, physical realities exist in probability, we see what we learned to see, and discount the visions of those whose iconography we have not experienced.
We have been sneaking back into the Garden of Eden for some say 6,000 years! Soon, it will only exist on film, in books, and on the internet. It has been happening for a long time, but the garden is almost gone. Everything that is alive will be soon dying. Nature is withering on the vine. We have eaten it, enslaved it, monetized it, and cared about it. Oh, it will still exist -- as theory, as memory, as song, as longing -- but not as a support system for the existence to which we pledge allegiance.
Call it the rapture if you want, but it will feel more like a rupture. And it is gonna hurt, even for those who want it to happen.
One step I am looking for is when the religious realize that the environmentalists are the only other humans out there who care about God's creations on God's terms of "Each Live and Reproduce According to Their Own Instructions." (Note: Monsanto doesn't invest in that theory.)
The ONLY question is whether YOU believe in that utopian belief of freedom, nature, balance, charity, and restraint?
Your answer is revealed to your heart in your desire to fall on your knees in anguish or to call your stock broker. Only you and your ghost will ever know. The rest of us can at best guess intent, choice, and skill based on the tracks you lay down.
As that dying world moved beyond the tipping point, Furtherism was put forward as model, as a belief system, as a nano-erector set that grants permission to design the post-biotic worlds our pupated double helix structures can emerge into.
Yes, it does sound dismal, doesn't it? Believe you me, it is not my idea of a bright and sunny future. It may be, I just can't tell right now from my vantage point.
(Photo Credit: The Cat's Eye Nebula: Dying Star Creates Fantasy-like Sculpture of Gas and Dust, http://hubblesite.org) thx_glo