What if mother earth is just a giant egg? A big crusty element of a large sentinel being that we have taken over and have been sponging off of the surface, kind of like a parasite? As the being inside, like a dinosaur egg comes awake or hatches, it would have to unfold like a transformer. No different than a baby chicken, an eagle, or a human baby.
A being or baby inside of mother earth, something that big, would have to gestate for a really long time -- you know: eras, epics, or ions (nine months in god's time). The reconstituted being would probably emerge from its pupa shell like a butterfly in second stage its enzymatic evolution, or even a birth process involving some type of post-gestational birth canal into a new reality of existence. I would want to be around to watch such a birth going on -- I mean, wouldn't you? Maybe I would even use my video camera and film it for YouTube.
Such a process on an egg 8 thousand miles in diameter might not bode well for any fungus or mold that was stuck to the egg shell. Even if the shell became a skin, it might be really difficult to hang on -- emotionally speaking. It would make the 1960s look like child's play!
Now, to put this in a perspective, if the being were like a a bird, coming out of its egg that large, the baby bird would have a wingspan of over 20,000 miles. A butterfly would be even bigger. If it was just a baby being, after watching my two kids get bigger since they were born, this bird fully realized is going to grow into something really large in its conquest of space and dimensionality.
Hypothetically speaking, if mother earth was such an egg, and an egg that big was cracking, or a mega-large pupa shell being was being discarded, what would it look like. I mean in relative terms from our perspective. It would cast off waste products as it broke apart. Pieces of the surface flying off. Scabs, boils, pimples, rashes, growths -- those icky bodily type fluids. The cosmic afterbirth.
Think of how big ejaculate is, relative to the outside of the human body? On a cosmic scale, would it look at feel like space junk floating outside of its body?
Maybe the purpose of our civilization, our economy, our cites, our factories, the pollution, the pimples, the eruptions, all the electric lights at nights, maybe they are all just for decoration of the shell, skin, the ectoderm of this being as it changes, transforms, or evolves into its next existence. What would such an evolution look like to us? How long would an egg that is 24 thousand miles across take to crack? What would happen to all that mass and matter? Would you even be able to observe it happening, unless of course you were living there right when it cracked?
If it was a bird emerging out of the fires, a Phoenix rising on a galactic scale, you would be able to recognize it? I sometimes wonder if that is the purpose of Buddhism. To learn to sit really quietly so you can sense when the cracking starts and the end begins? Or is this what the Mayans figured out with the long count calendar? Is this the big change? Is this what the Sikhs are waiting for: the next evolution?
Maybe the evolution isn't us, but it is the pedestal of our existence. Maybe global warming is not man made. Maybe it is just the energy generated when the earth goes through its gestational shift. A fart here and there, a skin lesion. You know, a biologic response to what is going on inside or out.
If this is the case, it could be kind of fun! Happy Thanksgiving!
Peace to all,
Light to all,
Love to all