Is it just me, or does anyone else think that the republicans are sticking knives in each other’s backs because the cartel is cracking. I mean, what if Fordam is saying all that stuff about Hastert just to stick a knife in his back. Fordam was forced out of the inner circle of thugs, and so he says “Fuck it” and plants one in Hastert’s back. Hastert may have been telling the truth, but he was caught flatfooted. Before, Hastert had a chance of survival, now he is DOA. Everyone dies. This is political Shakespeare at its best.
This sinking boat is going to have a bunch of fighting and back-stabbing over the next few days. If we are lucky, this political infighting will spill over to the white house, and ripple all the way down the fascist wavelength til it does the San Andres. It will be known in the history books as “The Rupture.” A beauty to behold.
Another Thought. If we thought about poitics as theater to amusedly watch and be intertained by, it would help us teach literature in the schools. I mean the kids would get it. "This going on in Washington is just greedy theater. Kids always see it, they just don't have the words to express it, and they don't know what it is they are trying to express. But in this model, they would say "Oh, theater is about real life." Because real life is theater. They, the kids will get it, because theater is language of life. Metaphors help us see through the fog, and when kids see that it is just a metaphore, they will understand what a metaphor is from the first person. The next leap is that everything is tied together, connected. Literature, daily life, government/greedy dramas -- they are all connected. So kids learn how to use literature becomes meaningful to making lifes' decisions, and at that point you are free to choose your life. For yourself.
Maybe then, democracy will have a chance.