I would like to introduce you to Mr. Kittens and Kate. Two travelling minstrels going from hear to their, on a great big clipper ship. He is (or his parents are) from Houston, she is from somewhere in the deep six south. They play for free living life about as raw as a stuffed kitten cannibal could. I wish them luck with thier Rainbow.
I currently practice kundalini yoga, johrei, and wilderness awareness. I am currently outside the law of the mothership without a tether.
I was a University of Chicago trained economist in a former carnation.
I am part of a nuclear family.
I have a good professional resume.
I would love to be able to channel J. Krishnamurti, Aldous Huxley, Albert Camus, and Terrance MeKenna. Oh yeah, and Jesus, Buddha, Mohammad, and Gandhi. I would really love to get their groove on. As well as jack kerouac, crazy horse, and ingwe.
I think there are secret prophetic messages in almost all pieces of art, and our job is to take them and exist in a better world.
I think mother earth is god.
I think we as a society are trying to kill god out of hatred.
I think mom is running out of patience.
I have hope.
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