Hey, the world is changing. It will not be the same. Mixing Terrence McKenna, teachings from Kundalini yoga, wilderness awareness experiences, economics, Mormonism, and the recent conference I attended presented by the California International Bankers Association, 2012 is going to be a big year. If we are lucky, citizens are going to own the insurance markets, car manufactures, and every other "over-leveraged" capitalist industry. And the pandemic is global, with the pathogen being the IMF and World Bank.
If we are lucky, we are not going to be "communists" in the sense that the Catholic Church today was once as oppressive as today's Taliban, which they were during the dark ages. One of our biggest objectives should be in avoiding the post-soviet privatization, where billionaires were politically created by merging mafia with government. But if everyone owns stock that they can freely buy and sell, those citoyens are then responsible for the actions of their businesses in their communities.
The capitalists have sold the world enough rope to hang them many times over. Our mission, should we choose to accept it, is not to use that rope.

This post written in Berkeley, CA (go figure). Regardless of how crazy you think Berkeley is, is it not an expression of freedom? So maybe Berkeley should be studied as a model.
i'm sure you could've found a clearer rope image than that...
i mean i can barely see anything...
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