"I saw a big circus tent, and I crawled over to it and lifted the canvas and looked inside."
"What did you see?"
-- as retold by Johnny W.
I have an announcement, W.J. lied to me....there was no circus tent! There was just this ominous smokey cloud that came in from the west that engulfed me in a transforming matrix of alternating metallic colors, orange and blue vibrating into red and white and back again. The pattern was an apple-core quilt style with a dot right in the center of each piece. The quilt wrapped around me and my sympathetic vibrating harmonized with the nano-colors as fabric passed through me destabilizing everything I have ever known to be true.

At some point, I realized I had entered a portal of infinity with nothing to hold on to. I was scared shitless as every molecule in my body was vibrating at bee speed, and getting louder. I also knew that I was on my own, all alone, and if I did not make it back, I would be folded by this undulating matrix into the fossil record of infinity.
For reasons of safety and self preservation, I moved away from the vortex, not sure if I was pulling this new reality with me, contaminating other areas, or if its gravity was weakening. Time and space were definitely stretching. Only at this point did I wake my other and ask for help, only to confront an enraged archetype that had been summoned from hell against her wishes. I was standing naked before Isis, and it was not pretty.
An enraged archetype summoned from hell against her wishes... hmmm, now why would someone be like that????????
Nice quilts.
As the smoke came streaming out of my mouth a force unbreakable began to take hold of me and I was in for the ride of a lifetime, in this case there was no time. My minds eye took over as if they were the eyes I use everyday. My sister who I was just looking at as I exhaled disappeared and before I knew it I was stuck in this yellowish glob like goo, but was very comfortable. Closed my eyes and saw unzippering and BAM. I looked to the right and saw my right arm separate like velcro. As if I was manufactured. Forgot about my current life and the people I ever met. As I look up to my left I saw her, the shepherdess was above me to the left looking down on me. She came in only the form of a black voided space. Very dominant like and very motherly feeling. All of a sudden she left and as if I was laying on my back looking at a very long chalkboard, a chalkboard of reality appeared. I dont remember any exact visual but I know I found out something, the way life worked, everything layed out in front of me. I knew everything at that moment, everything, I felt it and I saw it. The entire chalkboard was full of a reality, a reality I cant recall but I know it was very colorful and familiar. It was as if I was here before, I and I knew I was going to be here again. The chalkboard disappeared and then something caught my attention to my right again so I looked and what I saw was the most disturbing, unnerving revealing was shown to me. I screamed in my mind which I heard loud and clear "I knew it, I fucking knew it". As if my ultimate question to life was answered and lets just say it wasnt what I was hoping. To this day the only reason I most likely wont ever do it again is because I cant remember exactly what was shown to me but I dont think I was ready for the truth. As that visual faded away I began to notice in my minds eye pages from a book began to flip through and on each page there was a reality but the pages where flipping too fast for me to know what was on each page. These pages seemed infinte and after some time I fell into a page and I was this 30ish white man sitting across from a man and a woman my age just having a conversation. I accepted this as my life as I knew no better. But as soon as I just kind of accepted this I was pulled back out into the space of infinte again and as the pages flipped again I fell into a page again but this time I knew this was the real thing, I opened my eyes and told my sitter I was back. She asked if I was fine and I said yes. I asked her if she heard me scream and she told me I didnt say a thing during the entire trip just some mumbling. For a week or two I had this horrible guilty feeling, I guess guilt from figuring out the cycle of life or just scared as shit from the truth that was revealed to me which I wasnt able to recall and I thank God to this day that I dont know what I saw. I have this overly suspicious feeling it has to do with reincarnation, I would hate to be born in this shitty world again and thats exactly what I think will be happening. Let's just say it was a little life changing of an experience and would love to write a book about it.
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