Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Just Because You're Paranoid...

How did we get here? Here is a film intro that presents random facts collected and undeconstructed into a uncomfortable coherent reality. I think it is best not to use judgement, but do some Quaker Listening to figure out if there is truth in the reality Adam Curtis threads. It is a 6.4 on the Richter Scale.

The Observer reports:
Curtis has a remarkable feel for the serendipity of such moments, and an obsessive skill in locating them. 'That kind of footage shows just how dull I can be,' he admits, a little glumly. 'The BBC has an archive of all these tapes where they have just dumped all the news items they have ever shown. One tape for every three months. So what you get is this odd collage, an accidental treasure trove. You sit in a darkened room, watch all these little news moments, and look for connections.'

If you don't regularly watch videos on blogs, this is the one to watch. If you find it intriguing, go to this website.

Video 1
Video 2
Video 3

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