Those damn communists are at it again. This time they are attacking free market economics where we are strongest and most vulnerable. They are going after the symbol of America that is bigger than apple pie, old glory, or the New York Yankees. These guys are gunning for George W. (Washington that is.)
China thinks just because we as a nation have sold ourselves into indentured bondage by issuing trillions in bonds and bad subprime bank assets, that we will actual repay them. (Please, no sniggering - show some respect to the new overlords.) But one of their first items of business is to replace the dollar with a global basket of currencies.
Now I know what you are thinking: how quaint of a socialist notion that a plurality of nations should take precedence over the demands of one. Yes, we Americans have a proven track record of truth and justice, fighting the good fight making the world safe for freedom and democracy. And we have done such a good job creating peace, love, and harmony in this world, that we have nearly bankrupted ourselves. And now, when we are down and wounded, China decides that they can't trust us anymore.
US! Can you believe it? I mean besides police actions in Iraq, Grenada, Panama, Pakistan, Dominican Republic, Cambodia, and Vietnam, we have been a country of model behavior. Well, unless you count our economic policies that have failed to achieve their stated objectives in Haiti, the Palestinian territories, Georgia, Guatemala, Africa, and Wall Street. But overall, we have a pretty good track record of being that shining light, that beacon on the hill.
So what's up China? You are is a nation that we propped up on the back of WalMart and our empty downtowns, and now you are turning on us? We were friends. Remember Nixon? Can't you show a little Christian compassion?
How dare the Chinese take on the U.S. Dollar? Next thing you know, they will be making a movie, comparing the destruction of the Dollar to the time Elijah's God destroyed Ba'al in the first recorded Divine Smackdown. The fall of a post-modern God. Bastards!
Once again, the Marxist (pre)dictum that the capitalist will sell the communists the rope is too close to our collective necks for comfort.

By the way, don't fret over the image of the dollar shrinking. I was talking to an economist recently and he said inflation isn't a bad thing if it is expected. That is a big relief.
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