The petite bourgeois have fired an opening salvo in this the New American Revolution. Move over Paris, your great revolution of the landless is about to be eclipsed American style.
In case you missed it, the mostly Hispanic and Asian merchants that rent all the booths, shops, and grill spaces in Los Angeles' famed Grand Central Market successfully staged a rent strike, demanding a 30% reduction in rents and elimination of a joint-marketing/advertising fee. The 40+ tenants formed a union and collectively struck paying rents. The rents were eventually paid -- more than two weeks late. Yes the landlord threatened all of them with eviction, but probably realized that it might be difficult to pay the mortgage with an empty building. Plus there would probably be a ton of litigation over who owns the fixtures. Round and round we go, where no one knows. Probably down the drain.
Well, Atlas shrugged yet again. I think his back is getting to be pretty sore after the long days he has been pulling. Maybe Atlas was just the young Sisyphus who is yearning for retirement.
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