It is OFFICIAL! According to a recent survey, Utah is the happiest place on earth (assuming the United States is the happiest country in the world). Homogeneity has its benefits.
I currently practice kundalini yoga, johrei, and wilderness awareness. I am currently outside the law of the mothership without a tether.
I was a University of Chicago trained economist in a former carnation.
I am part of a nuclear family.
I have a good professional resume.
I would love to be able to channel J. Krishnamurti, Aldous Huxley, Albert Camus, and Terrance MeKenna. Oh yeah, and Jesus, Buddha, Mohammad, and Gandhi. I would really love to get their groove on. As well as jack kerouac, crazy horse, and ingwe.
I think there are secret prophetic messages in almost all pieces of art, and our job is to take them and exist in a better world.
I think mother earth is god.
I think we as a society are trying to kill god out of hatred.
I think mom is running out of patience.
I have hope.
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