Monday, March 02, 2009

Eco Ecco Echo

The mortgage meltdown won't affect me personally. I have a good job. My job is too important to go away, after all, I am more productive than my cost. My company is honest, and the people are hard working. Luckily, not too many people seem concerned about the economy (and I work with economists).

I am also concerned about global warming and the destruction of our environment -- our ability to eat, drink, sleep and love are being destroyed in front of our very eyes. And we need to reverse our collective suicide unless or course it is too expensive. In which case we will have to pollute ourselves out of this crisis and come back later to undo all the crap once we can afford it. And it just isn't practical right now, given the economic mess we are in.

I do worry about my children's futures. One kid has low level asthma and some other condition that is on the rise. I worry that they will not be able to have the standard of living that I slave for everyday. I worry that all those sacrifices my spouse and I make for them, the sacrifices of our parents in our lives, and grandparents, and great grandparents, and etc -- all those collective sacrifices so the future generation will have something better will not be appreciated by my children and their generation. I am afraid that this generation will be ungrateful for this wonderful world that God has given and that we have honored and preserved through faithful stewardship. Yes, they will probably be blinded by the eco-collapse (eco being all things of balance), and blame us for not doing anything. I don't think they will understand how important it was for us to sell out our principles in the short-run for their long term gain. Yeah, the gains don't look so great today, but you should have seen the future 40 years ago. When I was a kid, it was really bright and shiny. Something to strive for. If we could just get our kids and society back to 1963 and show them how beautiful the future could have been versus what they actually got, they will understand and thank us for taking those steps and making all those hard decisions. Maybe it didn't work out just right, and maybe what we have to do right now could be considered going down the same path, but it is the only way out of this mess. Well, unless you want to have to go through actual pain. God, I hate being hungry and uncomfortable. And add screaming kids on top of that, just shoot me now.

Too bad this is how it has to be. Don't tell me otherwise otherwise you would be doing it.

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