Back in 1968, nine and ten, we had a shift in consciousness. An evolutionary leap. We have spent the decades since trying to nullify it. We went into total lockdown in the war against nature and multidimensional truth. That war cost a lot of money. And you may not have noticed, but the bank is empty. They got away. And there is only one thing we can do to stop them.
Do you know what that is? If not, why not? What the hell have you been doing for the past few years? Have you not noticed the signs? No, not the biblical ones (they're there too), but the signs that say that if in your country it is for society's benefit to Tazer 12 year old autistic boys at school, to use interrogation tactics on others that you would never have done to yourself (well maybe a few of you are into that and that’s okay), is it surprising that the economy is also falling apart? I know I can't responsibly say that because someone from Harvard, Yale or Chicago didn't study it and plant the national flag on it as new territory of the sovereign, that truth can't be trusted because it has not been blessed?
O Lord,
Give us the rights granted under the ninth amendment of the constitution.
Grant us full equality and privacy. And if we have to give up our privacy, grant us respect and dignity.
Give us freedom to discover the truth for ourselves.
Grant us freedom from our blindness to all that is or may be true.
Grant us the freedom to stand naked before God (whatever that god may be - or until everyone agrees on the same truth).
Please teach us how to love our fellow humans, and tell us if it should extend to animals too? (I have a really religious friend who would really like to know?)
Grant us wisdom how to avoid an apocalypse that so many dream for...
But who is the lord?
A lord was one who had a royal land grant. They were lord of the fee. When controlling populations through bonded agri-servitude, this was effective. Slavery also made a lord and master. Now there are war lords, overloads, middle managers, and officers. they have lordly powers. But I digress. The american dream was the goal of being a lord and master, to feel the power of freedom. that dream was plucked, packaged, sold, and outsourced -- all in the past one generation. You may even have seen it happen right before your very eyes, taken photos, facebooked about it. It didn't really work. The problem of how to feed and deal with 8 or nine billion people is still out there. And no one wants to share. They say it is not fair. Something about incentives not being aligned... form over some substance
But fair is not cannot be weighted. and fair cannot be balanced. And so we are back to square one.
How are we going to do such a foreign concept as fair? Marc thinks facebook will be the primary communication method. We have to build up our neighborhoods. Not as fortresses, but as living breathing communities. build your community with your neighbors. You doubt me? Ask yourself this question: does it make sense? What would an economist tell you? Got it!
If you want to live, you had better believe that this at least is within the realm of possible outcomes that becomes more and more probable each day we wait for the experts to solve this problem. They are all so smart they even can ell you how much pain is worth in compensation.
So how do you stop it? You ask yourself what is true. Start with the stuff close to you. Your place. The dirt under your feet. Accept it and validate it and love it. Not the earth, but the dirt that you live next to. Not the Matterhorn. The dirt under your feet, building, concrete, however deep you have to connect with that that gives you life, food, bread, death. And that above that an entity that twists life, burning everything in its path. And the narrow path that leads between father and mother starts right beneath you feet so start loving that dirt. And respect that it is not just you that needs that dirt. Start with the microbes all the way up through worms, and pets and humans all the way up to the birds. And the dirt below is glued to other dirt, my dirt, and we learn that we are all connected.
Even a lord will get crushed by this cosmic drama. God as an ant's.
Unless we side step the tsunami, step into the different dimension of consciousness so the gamma particles of the dying can pass through, missing your vitale organs. A different reality. Turn just enough.
Of course I don't know what this means. We have to pay attention if we are ever going to get back to the garden of eden. Isn't this what it is all about. A fight for those who want it to be a sustainable garden of bliss, and those who don't have faith in the mystery of nature and the cosmic dance so they cling to "safe" technologies that have to be micro-managed. There isn't a cost benefit study than can even go there. They are not that good. They don't know what those numbers mean and they are afraid to find out. Because then their privileged position goes away.
We have global warming. It is an imperative that we do have to address. This is about how we force 8 billion to consume like 2 billion, and should the imperialists be allowed to continue their consumption at the same levels because the discomfort would be to great -- and that would be cruel and possibly unusual. But we need to save ourselves, or take the camusian koan serious on a societal level. But isn't that what we are doing in waiting for Obama to solve everything.
As people need to get ready, lets connect on how to garden, share, love, trust, laugh, cry, and feel safe. This is what we need. So what technologies are out there right now that address these issues on a neighborhood basis. Your job is to go out there and find them. Share them. You can post them here in the comments, but I hope the number of comments are not reflective of the influence of the coming movement. I don't even know if I will be associated with it, I hope so, but I do see it coming. And you are a part of it too. Make it happen.
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